
How to manage the dashboards on the feed page

On the right side you find the dashboards which provide a brief visual summary of the content. Depending on the chosen perspective, you might see different dashboards.


Top affected

This dashboard shows the most affected Site Groups and Sites. The number represents the number of incidents in the selected time period.

Incident Watchlist

Summarises incident reviews which were triggered. “All” shows all incidents within the company, while “Me” only shows those assigned to the current user.

Open grievance reports (Optional)

Only visible for users which are assigned the role “Grievance Manager”. On Prewave, it is possible for anonymous users to report incidents as whistleblowers. Users with that role can take action upon receiving such a grievance report.

Supplier Disruption Status (only in some perspectives)

This dashboard aggregates the suppliers which are at risk or active. The status depends on the disruption information from the Map page. Taken into account for the status are, amongst others, protest or natural catastrophy alerts.

In the Disruption perspective, the Top Affected dashboard is shifted to the centre of the page.