How does Prewave define different event types?

This offers an extensive overview of all the event types we keep an eye on at Prewave.

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Eventtype Prewave Definition Definition based on Query Terms
Accident Any form of general accident that has an impact on anything / An unexpected, physically damaging incident occurs in connection to a company (either on the production site, office or during transportation or supply) affecting either people, production or property.  Unexpected and often harmful event, such as a collision, derailment, or disaster, leading to damage, emergencies, or casualties.
Accounting fraud Intentional manipulation of financial statements. Refers to the intentional manipulation of financial statements and accounting records by a company or its employees to mislead stakeholders, often involving practices such as "cooking the books," corporate fraud, and other fraudulent accounting practices.
Animal mistreatment Any form of animal mistreatment, including animals being used illegaly for business, kept inappropriately or abused The mistreatment, abuse, or exploitation of animals, including neglect, inappropriate keeping, illegal use, and harmful experiments, causing unnecessary suffering or harm.


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Blackout A power failure / outage (of electrical power supply) happening at a company, plant, city or region The loss of electrical power in a specific area, affecting cities, regions, or individual companies and plants, and resulting in disruptions to normal operations and services.
Blizzard A snow storm causing damage or interruptions Severe weather event characterized by heavy snowfall, strong winds, and cold temperatures, leading to snow damage, disruptions, and hazardous conditions.
Blockage Relating to transport or access to buildings and infrastructure - any condition prohibiting access to a road, a building or other infrastructure. Any barrier or restriction that impedes access or movement within transportation networks and buildings, such as blockages, road closures, and access restrictions.
Bomb threat A threat to detonate an explosive or incendiary device to cause property damage, death or injuries, whether or not such a device actually exists. Warning or indication of the presence of an explosive device, including bomb scares, suspicious packages, and related threats, potentially indicating a terrorist threat.
Border issue Any action that obstructs or slows down cross-border transportation and supply. Measures imposed by authorities to control and limit movement across national or regional borders, including closures, blockades, security checks, and entry restrictions, often implemented for security, health, or political reasons.
Building collapse A collapse or partial collapse of an industrial building or any other structure, causing it to be (temporarily) inoperative and thus interrupting business. Sudden failure of a building or infrastructure due to structural failure, leading to significant damage and potential casualties, encompassing incidents such as building failures and industrial collapses.


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Capacity reduction A decrease in production output, speed or quantity, due to varying internal or external reasons The strategic alteration of production activities, including reducing output, shrinking capacity, and adjusting operations, to align with demand fluctuations, excess capacity, or underutilization.
Chemical Leakage Chemical leakage by a company or production site/ Chemical substance is emanating from company site. Accidental release of hazardous substances, including leaks, seepages, and spillages, leading to environmental contamination and potential health risks.
Child Exploitation Anything else apart from child labor that involves forcing children to do something - including sexual abuse Abuse and mistreatment of children through activities such as trafficking, forced labor, sexual exploitation, drug trafficking, and physical abuse, often perpetrated by adults for personal or financial gain.
Child Labor Children are forced to work // A company uses children (below legal working age, usually under 14-16 years) as workers. Exploitation of children through work that is harmful to their physical and mental development, including forced labor, slavery, and other abusive practices, often violating child labor laws.
Collusion Agreement or cooperation between two or more companies to limit competition, dictate prices and distort a market. Actions by businesses that undermine fair competition in the market, including cartels, price fixing, illegal monopolies, and market manipulation, leading to market distortion and reduced consumer choice.
Complaint People reporting about an unsatisfactory situation or circumstance Expressions of dissatisfaction or grievances by consumers regarding a product or service, often conveyed through negative feedback and highlighting areas of customer dissatisfaction.
Congestion Relating to transport - any condition causing vehicle congestion on a major transport route The overcrowding of vehicles on roadways, leading to slow movement, delays, traffic jams, and gridlock, often caused by high vehicle density, accidents, or road obstructions.
Consumer boycott Consumers boycotting a product because of moral, ethical or political reasons A collective refusal to purchase, use, or engage with goods, services, or entities to express protest or achieve specific goals, often motivated by political, ethical, or moral reasons, and can take the form of consumer boycotts, product embargoes, and boycott campaigns.
Consumer campaign Any form of consumers launching a campaign against a company or product, for instance by doing a collective petition Efforts by individuals or groups to promote or oppose certain business practices or products through actions such as boycotts, petitions, advocacy, and protests, aiming to influence company policies or market behavior.
Corporate investigation An investigation or inspection of a company, organization, or business with a view to finding what wrongdoing has been committed by employees, management, or third parties A systematic and detailed examination or inquiry into allegations of wrongdoing, misconduct, or irregularities within a business or organization, often involving inspections, third-party assessments, and management reviews.
Corporate Liability A company held liable for the acts and omissions of its products and employees. The legal responsibility and accountability of a company and its employees for actions and decisions that cause harm or violate laws, including areas such as product liability, vicarious liability, and corporate legal responsibility.
Corporate Wrongdoing Illegal, dishonest or negligent behaviour by or within a corporation Wide range of unethical or illegal behaviors by a company or its employees, including fraud, regulatory violations, negligence, price manipulation, espionage, and breaches of fiduciary duty, aimed at gaining unfair advantage or avoiding legal responsibilities.
Corruption Any sort of wrongdoing or negative activity within a business, association or organisation, excluding fraud. The abuse of entrusted power for private gain, including activities such as bribery, extortion, nepotism, kickbacks, and manipulated tenders, leading to unethical behavior and unlawful benefits within organizations and institutions.
Counterfeit product Any detection of counterfeit products, i.e. fake unauthorized replicas The production or distribution of unauthorized replicas or imitations of genuine products, including fake items, forged goods, and counterfeit merchandise, typically intended to deceive consumers and infringe on intellectual property rights.
Credit rating downgrade The credit rating is how well a company can fulfill financial obligations. A lower credit rating generally means a company is less able to pay debts The lowering of a company's credit rating, indicating a decreased ability to meet its financial obligations. This can include terms like credit score reduction, credit rating lowered, and downgrade, affecting the company's perceived creditworthiness.
Criminal Organization A person or organization being involved in criminal activity by forming a criminal organization including terrorism or mafia. Participating in illegal actions such as organized crime, money laundering, and terrorism. This can include terms like criminal charges, terrorist organization, mafia involvement, and gang activity, indicating various forms of unlawful conduct.
Customs Issue A company facing problems with customs (border control) because of misclassification, illegal goods, lack of documentation or any other reason Challenges and violations related to the import and export of goods, including misclassification, lack of documentation, import bans, and illegal goods trafficking.
Cyber attack An offensive maneuver that targets computer information systems, infrastructures or computer networks A wide range of malicious activities and software designed to compromise the security, integrity, and functionality of computer systems, networks, and data. This includes malware, ransomware, computer viruses, hacking, network intrusions, and denial-of-service attacks.


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Data privacy issue A violation of data privacy like for instance violating regulations, spying on users, etc. Unauthorized access, disclosure, or theft of sensitive information, leading to the compromise of data privacy and security. This includes incidents such as data leaks, digital theft, identity theft, and security breaches.
Deforestation The removal of a forest or stand of trees from land which is then converted to a non-forest use. Large-scale removal or destruction of forests through activities such as clear-cutting, illegal logging, and land conversion, leading to forest degradation, loss of biodiversity, and environmental harm.
Delisting A security (stock) gets temporarily or permanently delisted (= removed) from the stock exchange. Removal of a company's securities from a stock exchange, either temporarily or permanently. This process can occur voluntarily or involuntarily and results in the securities no longer being publicly traded.
Discrimination Discrimination incidents involving a workers/employees being treated differently because of their age/disability/nationality/race/religion/sex/etc. Unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation, manifesting in practices like unequal pay, harassment, hate speech, and denial of opportunities.
Disease Members of a company or organization are affected by a serious disease. Situation where a company or organization is significantly impacted by an illness or disease outbreak, leading to disruptions in operations and potential health risks to employees.
Divestment A divestment or divestiture is the reduction of some kind of asset for financial, ethical, or political objectives. A divestment is the opposite of an investment. The process of a company selling off its subsidiary, division, or other assets to reduce its portfolio, often to focus on core business areas, improve financial health, or comply with regulatory requirements. This can also be referred to as divestiture, disinvestment, asset reduction, or business sale.
Drought An event of prolonged shortages in the water supply A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water, often resulting in dry spells, water scarcity, water crisis, and overall water shortage.


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Earthquake An earthquake causing damage to people or structures A sudden and violent shaking of the ground, often causing significant destruction. It results from movements within the earth's crust or volcanic action. This term encompasses related impacts such as earthquake destruction, earthquake damage, seismic events, and quake destruction.
Emergency measures Large-scale measures taken in a company or location in order to contain, alleviate or avoid a catastrophe, outbreak or disaster Actions and regulations implemented by authorities during a crisis to ensure public safety, maintain order, and manage the situation effectively. These measures can include service discontinuations, transport restrictions, lockdowns, and various containment strategies.
Emission violation A violation of emission limits done by an economic actor (organisation, business etc) Breaches of environmental laws and regulations related to the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. These violations encompass actions such as exceeding emission limits, manipulating emission data, and failing to comply with established environmental standards.
Employee Infection Employee, worker contaminated with a pathogenic microorganism or agent that causes them to be sick. Occurrence where employees are significantly affected by a contagious disease, such as COVID-19, leading to multiple confirmed or suspected cases, disrupting operations, and posing health risks to the workforce.
Environmental Improvement Any topic around the field of csr (corporate social responsibility) innovation. Activities, projects, and innovations aimed at improving resource efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and promoting long-term ecological balance. These initiatives encompass efforts in areas such as renewable energy, waste reduction, carbon management, water conservation, and sustainable supply chain practices.
Environmental Issue Negative, adverse or harmful effects or mistreatment of the biophysical environment from human activity / A company exerts negative effects on the biosphere, especially on the flora and fauna. Deterioration of the natural environment through processes such as deforestation, pollution, climate change, and unsustainable resource use, leading to loss of biodiversity, ecosystem damage, and health hazards.
Expansion Activity A company growing its physical presence, market share, product range or other activity Strategies and actions taken by a company to expand its operations, increase its market share, and enhance its product offerings. This can include expanding into new markets, introducing new products, increasing market share, and implementing diversification strategies to spread risk and capitalize on new opportunities.
Explosion An explosion or detonation at any place. Sudden and violent release of energy, often involving the detonation of explosives or a burst, resulting in a blast that can cause significant damage and injuries.


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Failure & safety Failure of a machine, equipment, product or anything else Incidents involving hazardous materials and failures refer to events where products, machinery, or systems experience faults, defects, or malfunctions that may pose a risk to safety, health, or the environment. This includes equipment breakdowns, system failures, and issues with hazardous materials.
Fatality One or several people die as a result of a tragedy at a worksite (toxicity, accident, explosion, etc.) or during work-related activities (transportation, protest). Death resulting from an incident or accident, often characterized by terms such as mortality, casualty, and deadly events, leading to significant loss and impact.
Fire A fire that has happened or is happening to a property. Combustion event that produces heat, flames, and smoke, often requiring firefighting efforts and resulting in damage to properties, such as buildings and forests, and posing significant safety risks.
Flood A major flood event causing damage to people or structures. Either a natural disaster (tsunami, storm, rain, etc.) or man-made The overflow of water onto normally dry land, caused by various factors such as heavy rain, dam breaches or failures, storm tides, tsunamis, and man-made interventions, leading to significant damage to structures and natural disasters.
Force Majeure A company defaulting on its obligations (not fulfilling its contracts) because it claims force majeure ("superior force" or "act of God"). Force majeure, also known as an act of God, refers to extraordinary events or circumstances beyond human control, such as natural disasters, which prevent the fulfillment of contractual obligations.
Fraud Any sort of fraudulent activity including scams and embezzlement. Non-violent, financially motivated offenses committed by individuals or organizations, typically involving deceit, fraud, embezzlement, and various forms of financial scams such as Ponzi schemes and misappropriation of funds.


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Health & Safety Issues An incident or conditions related to occupational / workplace health and safety problems. Conditions and practices that pose risks to the well-being of employees, including chemical exposure, faulty equipment, excessive working hours, and inadequate maintenance, potentially leading to accidents, illnesses, and injuries.
Human Rights Violation  Any action that breaches or ignores basic human rights or relevant humanitarian law, be it intentional or unintentional. Severe abuses or infringements on individuals' fundamental rights and freedoms, including torture, illegal detention, forced sterilization, enforced disappearance, and other inhumane treatments that breach international and humanitarian laws.


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Illegal employment Employment of people without reporting to authorities in order to gain certain advantages. Illegal employment, also known as black labor, refers to work that is not reported to the government for tax and regulatory purposes, often involving cash payments, unauthorized workers, and unregulated labor practices.
Infestation A product, service or system being invaded or overrun by pests or parasites Invasion and proliferation of harmful organisms, such as insects and mites, including bollworms, spider mites, aphids, and caterpillars, which can damage crops and stored products, necessitating the use of pesticides and other pest control measures.
Injury An accident resulting in injuries.  Physical harm or damage to an individual resulting from an incident or accident, including fractures, traumatic injuries, and other forms of pain and injury.
Innovation Activity Any activity relating to a company changing, creating or refining its products, processes and ideas Initiatives and programs aimed at fostering new ideas, products, and processes within startups and established businesses, including accelerators, incubators, partnerships, and collaborative efforts to drive technological and business advancements.
Insider trading Trading of stock or other securities based on nonpublic information. The illegal buying or selling of securities based on nonpublic, material information, often leading to stock manipulation and securities fraud, which undermines market integrity and investor trust.
Insolvency An event that affects the liquidity or solvency of a company, or has any relation to cash flow and ability to pay debts, eg a bankruptcy A company cannot meet its debt obligations due to inadequate cash flow, leading to potential outcomes such as bankruptcy, liquidation, and financial distress. A liquidity crisis arises when there are significant cash flow issues, resulting in delayed payments, default, or the company going out of business.
Interruption An interruption happening at a plant, infrastructure facility, road, railway line, etc. The cessation or disturbance of normal operations in public and private services, including railway lines, roads, and infrastructure facilities, often leading to cancellations and significant interruptions in service delivery.
IP Infringement Any infringement or violation of an intellectual property right Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of protected works, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and designs, leading to violations such as piracy, counterfeit products, and breaches of standard essential patents (SEPs) and FRAND terms.
IPO An initial public offering (IPO) or stock market listing is announced or rumored. The process through which a private company offers its shares to the public for the first time by listing on a stock market, often accompanied by announcements, rumors, and market speculation about its potential impact.


Eventtype Prewave Definition Definition based on Query Terms
Labor demonstration Workers/employees of a company, labor union or any business entity protest or demonstrate on the streets or any other public place. Collective action by employees, unions, or workers, including strikes, marches, and demonstrations, to advocate for improved working conditions, fair wages, or other employment-related issues.
Labor dispute Workers/employees of a company, labor union or any business entity are in a dispute with their employer regarding terms, but not yet in strike or protest. Disagreement or conflict between employees and employers over employment terms, workplace conditions, or other work-related issues.
Labor rights violation Any violation of labor rights. A specialization of human rights violations, but more generic than child labor or wage theft. Actions by employers or authorities that infringe on workers' rights, such as union busting, wrongful termination, denial of benefits, and suppression of collective bargaining and strikes.
Labor strike Workers/employees of a company, labor union or any business entity stop work as a form of protest. Coordinated stoppage of work by employees aimed at forcing concessions from employers regarding wages, conditions, or policies,often involving actions like picketing, walkouts, and other forms of industrial action.
Land conflict Illegitimate or illegal acquisition of land, especially agricultural land, by any economical actor. Land conflict and indigenous issues refer to disputes and controversies involving the illegal acquisition, forced displacement, and violation of land rights of indigenous and native peoples, leading to social, economic, and cultural harm.
Landslide A landslide event causing damage to people or structures The rapid downward movement of rock, earth, or debris on a slope, often triggered by natural events like heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or volcanic activity.
Lawsuit A lawsuit that is filed against a company Legal action encompasses various proceedings such as lawsuits, class actions, and litigation initiated to resolve disputes or enforce laws, including cases of perjury, contempt of court, and whistleblower claims against individuals or companies.
Leakage Chemical leakage by a company or production site The accidental release of harmful substances, such as wastewater, chemicals, and restricted substances, from production sites or companies, leading to environmental pollution and health hazards.
Legal Procedure When a person or entity enters into a legal process due to presumed wrongdoing, e.g "a manager being arrested" The judicial process involving complaints, prosecutions, arrests, and regulatory charges, which can result in penalties such as fines, imprisonment, or other sanctions for offenses including gross negligence and obstruction of justice.


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Maintenance Any maintenance or repair work conducted on infrastructure, machinery and/or equipment The regular upkeep and fixing of equipment, machinery, and infrastructure to ensure optimal operation and longevity, encompassing activities such as equipment repair, machinery maintenance, and general maintenance work.
Major Delay A delay which has a direct effect on transportation, production or delivery of goods. Not used for small incidents like when a flight is delayed. Significant setbacks in production, transportation, and delivery processes, including substantial delays and severe interruptions that hinder the timely completion of activities.
Management Change The people and functions governing strategy, coordinating, planning and controlling an organisation Significant changes in a company's management and operational framework, including executive resignations, firings (CEO, CFO, COO), and leadership transitions aimed at improving efficiency and strategic direction.
Mass layoff Layoff of a huge fraction of workers/employees from the same company around the same time The process of decreasing a company's personnel through layoffs, redundancies, and mass dismissals, often as part of organizational downsizing or cost-cutting measures, resulting in significant job cuts and staff adjustments.
Merger & Acquisition The process of one company purchasing or taking over another company. The process where companies consolidate through various forms of ownership changes, including buyouts, takeovers, mergers, and acquisitions, resulting in the combination of businesses or transfer of ownership to enhance competitiveness and operational efficiency.
Mineral conflict Conflict about a conflict mineral (i.e. tantalum, cassiterite, wolframite and gold) Conflict minerals, including diamonds, gold, cassiterite, wolframite, and tantalum, are extracted from conflict zones and sold to finance armed groups, perpetuating violence and human rights abuses in those areas.
Mismanagement The process or act or managing a situation, project or people in a negative or wrong way Situation where there are insufficient staff to meet operational needs, often exacerbated by mismanagement, which includes ineffective, incompetent, or failed management practices leading to poor project execution and organizational inefficiencies.
Modern Slavery Institutional slavery in which a person or people lose their freedom to stop working, leading to exploitation/ A company is associated with using people as a free labor force, taking away their freedom to stop working. Severe exploitation of individuals through forced labor, debt bondage, human trafficking, and other forms of involuntary servitude, often violating their basic human rights and freedoms.


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Partnership Companies or individuals legally sharing ownership of one or several business entities Joint ventures and strategic partnerships are collaborative agreements between businesses, where partners share ownership, resources, and profits to achieve common goals, with interests ranging from minority to majority stakes.
Policy Change A company or institution changing or implementing a policy due to external or internal pressure The process of modifying, adjusting, or updating existing policies to reflect new objectives or regulations, while policy implementation involves the actions taken to put these revised policies into effect.
Political Instability Large-scale instability, driven by political or market forces, that has a clear state-wide or country-wide effect Periods of significant disorder and disruption within a state, characterized by events such as coups, independence movements, electoral fraud, violent protests, and government crackdowns, often leading to widespread violence, political upheaval, and potential state failure.
Pollution Pollution or contamination by a company or production site that has negative effects on nature, people or animals. Introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the natural environment, resulting in air, water, and soil degradation, adverse health effects, and ecological damage.
POP pollution Forbidden production and/or use of fabrics in the area of ​​application of the Stockholmer Convention (POP) and non-environmentally friendly use of pop-containing waste. Contamination of the environment with persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are toxic chemicals that resist degradation, accumulate in living organisms, and pose serious health and ecological risks.
Price Fluctuation A rising or falling in the price of a commodity Variability or swings in the price of goods, services, or financial assets over a period of time, influenced by market demand, supply conditions, and external economic factors.
Product Launch A company launches a new product or service Introduction of a new product to the market, often accompanied by announcements, unveiling events, and marketing efforts to promote the product's debut and expand the company's portfolio.
Product recall A product recall from a manufacturer to return a product after the discovery of safety issues or product defects Process of retrieving and replacing defective or unsafe products from consumers due to safety issues or manufacturing defects, initiated by the manufacturer or regulatory authorities to ensure consumer safety.
Profit Decline A company's profits decline/fall. The reduction in a company's earnings and sales over a period, characterized by decreased profitability, financial losses, and warnings of reduced future revenue due to various market and operational factors.
Property Damage Damage to or the destruction of public or private property, caused by a person Intentional destruction or defacement of public or private property, often involving trespassing and resulting in significant harm to assets through acts like graffiti, breaking windows, or damaging structures.
Protest/ Demonstration Any form of protest or demonstration on the streets or any other public place with a reasonable amount of people. Collective gathering of people in a public space to express opinions or demands, often taking forms such as protests, rallies, processions, and sometimes leading to civil unrest or disorder.


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Quarantine A restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests. It is often used in connection to disease and illness, preventing the movement of those who may have been exposed to a communicable disease, but do not have a confirmed medical diagnosis. Isolation measures, such as quarantine and shelter-in-place, involve restricting the movement of individuals to prevent the spread of contagious diseases or to ensure safety during emergencies.


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Regulatory shutdown Forced closure of a business or a significant part of a site, temporarily or permanent, by state authority as a result of regulations being disregarded Actions taken by authorities to shut down or suspend the operations of a business due to compliance violations, including the revocation or withdrawal of licenses and the forced closure of facilities.
Restructuring A restructuring of debt and/or corporate assets, structure or business units in response to financial problems. Reorganizing a company's structure, assets, or debt to improve efficiency and profitability, which can include breaking up business units, financial restructuring, or creating spin-offs to operate independently.


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Sanctions Sanctions like an import ban or embargo that are issued by a government, nation/region or company against any other government, nation/region or company Economic and political measures imposed by governments or international bodies to restrict trade and financial transactions with targeted countries or entities, aiming to influence their behavior or policies.
Scandal A disaster, shocking mistake or failure An event or series of actions that cause public outrage and damage reputations, often involving blunders, misconduct, or shocking incidents that lead to significant turmoil and shame.
Sentencing An organization or key person in the organization being sentenced/convicted after committing a crime. Legal process where an individual or organization is found guilty of a crime and is subsequently assigned a punishment, which is formally recorded as a criminal record.
Severe weather Severe weather, but not a tropical storm, which causes damage to people or structures Severe weather events (storms, tornadoes, hailstorms) and emphasizes their impact (significant damage and destruction). It provides a clear and comprehensive understanding of the term, focusing on the severe nature and consequences of such events.
Sexual Wrongdoing Any kind of wrongdoing that is related to sexual activities, except for those involving children. Also includes sexual incidens that are inappropriate, like sexual harassment or any form of exploitation. Various forms of abuse and mistreatment, including sexual abuse, trafficking, harassment, and assault, where individuals are coerced or manipulated into sexual activities against their will.
Shit Storm A situation in which a lot of people are disagreeing and arguing with each other directed against a company, their members or products A situation of intense controversy or criticism, often public and chaotic, while a conspiracy involves a secret plan by a group to carry out an unlawful or harmful act.
Shooting A shooting or attempted shooting, or use of firearms against people or property by someone associated to a company or at a service/production site. Use of firearms to inflict harm, including incidents such as shootings, massacres, mass shootings, and gunfire attacks, often resulting in injuries or fatalities.
Short time work Short-time working or short time is a situation or system in which civilian employees agree to or are forced to accept a reduction in working time and pay because of a difficult economical period. Decreasing the number of hours employees are scheduled to work, either temporarily or permanently. A temporary layoff is when employees are temporarily dismissed from their jobs, often with the expectation of being rehired once business conditions improve.
Shortage A shortage of a product or of the production capacity of a company. A situation where the demand for goods or services exceeds the available supply. This can result in inventory shortages, limited availability of products, and a crisis in supply chains, affecting production capacity and leading to insufficient supply to meet consumer needs.
Site closure Closure or shutdown of a business or a significant part of a site, temporarily or permanent due to any reason The temporary or permanent halting of operations, services, or activities at a facility, campus, factory, or company. This includes stopping production, discontinuing services, suspending operations, and shutting down business activities either temporarily or permanently due to various reasons such as operational issues, maintenance, regulatory actions, or financial challenges.
Site opening Opening (expansion activities) or restart (after a temporary closure) of a business or a significant part of a site. Initiation or resumption of business activities, production, or services at a company, site, factory, or office. This includes starting new operations, launching new sites, ramping up production, opening new branches, and resuming activities after a temporary halt. It encompasses both the beginning of new operations and the maintenance of ongoing activities to ensure continuous operation and productivity.
Smuggling Any detection of contraband goods, i.e. illegaly transported objects or substances Unauthorized transportation of goods, substances, or items across borders, bypassing legal channels and regulations. This includes bringing in contraband, illicit goods, or substances without proper documentation or approval from authorities. Detection and prevention of such activities involve identifying and intercepting illegally transported objects to enforce compliance with import laws and regulations.
Social Improvement A company or organization implementing or fighting for social and societal improvements as well as improving the lives of its employees. Efforts to enhance living conditions, promote diversity, and ensure the well-being and inclusion of indigenous people and native communities through support, aid, employment opportunities, and respect for human and animal rights.
Supplier Issue A problem, issue or setback with a supplier of one of our POI or EOIs Disruptions and challenges in the supply process, including supplier failures, delays, and interruptions, leading to business interruptions and concerns over consistent supply availability.


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Tax evasion Illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations, and trusts. Illegal activities aimed at avoiding paying taxes, including fraud, non-compliance, and dodging tax obligations, often leading to investigations and legal consequences.
Theft A theft incident where equipment or products of a company get stolen either by workers/employees/management or a third party Unlawful taking of goods, equipment, or products, including employee and third-party theft, resulting in stolen property and potential legal action.
Toxication Toxic pollution (gas, liquid or radiation) by a company or production site. Release of harmful chemicals and substances, such as lead, asbestos, and mercury, into the environment, causing poisoning, carcinogenic, genotoxic, and mutagenic effects, and leading to serious health and ecological risks.
Treaty // International agreements such as the Basel, Stockholm, POPs, and Minamata Conventions regulate environmental and chemical safety standards globally.
Tropical storm A tropical storm, i.e. hurricane, cyclone or typhoon, causing damage to people or structures Severe weather events, including cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, and tropical storms, that can cause significant storm damage.


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Unethical Labor Unethical employment or treatment of any type of employee or worker, anywhere / Unfair and/or unethical labor practices, meaning bad treatment of the employees, humiliation, passport retention, illegal employment, etc. Mistreatment and exploitation of employees through actions such as harassment, psychological violence, bullying, improper monitoring, and the creation of a toxic work environment, often violating ethical and legal standards.


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Wage Theft An employer fails to pay workers/employees the minimum wage, withholds overtime pay or denies social rights, such as parental leave or sick leave. Doesn't pay any wages or is in arrears to the workforce. Unfair treatment of employees regarding their compensation, including unpaid wages, wage theft, illegal deductions, misclassification of workers, and violations of minimum wage and overtime pay laws.
Waste Disposal Problem Any kind of problem related to the disposal and management of waste, like especially illegitimate and illegal disposals. Problems associated with the handling, disposal, and treatment of various types of waste, including hazardous, toxic, e-waste, and infectious waste, often involving illegal dumping and disposal violations, which pose significant environmental and health risks.
Worker suicide A worker/employee ended his/her life as a result of poor working conditions or any other job related issues. Act of an employee taking their own life, often influenced by job-related factors such as poor working conditions, excessive stress, or workplace harassment.
Workplace Safety // Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment through effective safety procedures, protective measures, and adherence to occupational safety regulations.