How to upload and sign supplier Code of Conducts in Prewave

1.Flag Suppliers with Conduct Documentation Available 2.Uploading Supplier Code of Conduct via Actions 3.Implementing Supplier Conduct Standards with Prewave

1. Flag Suppliers with Conduct Documentation Available

If a supplier has already signed your Code of Conduct, you can update the respective supplier on the Prewave platform accordingly by following the steps:

  • Access the Prewave platform and navigate to the supplier's profile in the respective target profile.
  • In the "Data" section, locate and click "Edit”.
  • Set the "Code of Conduct Signed" field to "Yes".
  • If there are any additional details or information related to the supplier's Code of Conduct, you can include it in the "Additional Information" section.



2.  Uploading Supplier Code of Conduct via Actions: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Prewave platform also allows for the storage of the supplier code of conduct document. Here's how you can do it:

  • Begin by creating an action within the platform. More detailed instructions on how to create and manage actions, refer to this knowledge base article: Alerting, Incident management, remedial actions & reporting
  • Select the category as "Preventive" and the type as "Code of Conduct", then save your action.
  • Once the action is created, click on it to access its details.
  • Under the "Attachments" section, you can store your Code of Conduct document by uploading it from your device.

❗Please note:

While it's possible to store the Code of Conduct through various methods on Prewave, it's essential to understand that downloading all CoCs simultaneously isn't feasible. Therefore, while Prewave serves as a platform for managing your information, it's not intended as a file storage management application.




3. Implementing Supplier Conduct Standards with Prewave

To upload your Code of Conduct (CoC), please contact your Customer Success Manager and confirm if this falls within your booked scope. Then, submit it to us in a text document format (e.g., .docx or .rtf), or alternatively, provide a link if available.

Once uploaded, the Code of Conduct will be stored and accessible under the profile section labeled "Certificate".

There are two methods for suppliers to sign and upload the CoC to Prewave:

  • Download and Upload: Suppliers can download the CoC, sign it manually, and then upload the signed document. Additionally, they will need to provide the signer's name, surname, and position.
  • Digital Signature: Alternatively, suppliers can download the CoC and digitally sign it within a dedicated field. They will also need to input the signer's name, surname, and position.

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