Masterdata Project

How supplier data is uploaded in Prewave


The new masterdata structure defines how data can be uploaded to Prewave. With focus on data quality, only verified sites can be used for interactions. 


  1. Faster site processing (Peer Score in Minutes)
  2. Customer specific industries for Peer Score generation
  3. Validation process to increase data quality


  1. Supplier is added to the system with customer input, site remains private, Status is Non-Validated 
    1. Customer specifies company name and industry
  2. Screening request can be triggered by the Quota Managers
    1. Prewave tries to identify the site group to proceed with the screening
      1. Successful: Screened = Yes → Validation check
      2. Unsuccessful: Screened = No → No Validation possible
    2. Prewave tries to validate the site
      1. Successful Screening + Successful Validation: Status Validated
      2. Successful Screening + Failed Validation: Status: Un-validateable
      3. Unsuccessful Screening + Failed Validation: Status Un-validateable



Entry status for newly created targets. Non-validated targets have not been verified by Prewave and are therefore not available for external communications (self-assessments, statement requests, …). The site remains private for the customer. 


If the site cannot be verified (Company Name does not exist, Address cannot be verified, Company Address does not match Company, ..). The site remains private for the customer. 


Prewave can confirm the existence of the specific Site. Measures & Actions are enabled. The profile is publicly available in the Prewave Platform.