Peer Score Indices

Here you can find the overview of indices that Prewave uses to assess the country risks.

eventTypeId Source Provider
Biodiversity WWF - [10. Biodiversity Importance] WWF
Child Exploitation Childrens Rights and Business Atlas UNICEF
Child Exploitation Save the Children - End of Childhood Index scores Save the Children
Child Labor Childrens Rights and Business Atlas UNICEF
Civil Liberties Freedom World Report FreedomHouse
Climate Change Mitigation Environmental Performace Index SEDAC
Corruption Corruptions Perceptions Index Transparency International
Customs Issue Index Of Economic Freedom The Heritage Foundation
Deforestation UN FRA - FRA 2020 [variable Deforestation - 1000 ha/year] UN Fra
Discrimination UN SDG Indicators (10. Indicator) - Discrimination United Nations
Discrimination WEF - The Global Gender Gap Index WEF
Drought INFORM European Commission
Earthquake INFORM European Commission
Environmental Issue Environmental Performace Index SEDAC
Fatality Global-, regional- and country-level estimates of the work-related burden of diseases and accidents in 2019 Global
Flood INFORM European Commission
Freedom Freedom World Report FreedomHouse
Freedom Of Religion IDEA - The Global State of Democracy report IDEA
Health & Safety Issues ILOSTAT International Labour Organization
Human Rights Violation Fragile States Index Fund For Peace
Human Trafficking Global Organized Crime Index Global Organized Crime Index
Indigenous Right To Lands Indigenous Navigator IWGIA
Labor dispute Global Rights Index ITUC
Labor Rights Violation Global Rights Index ITUC
Land Grabbing Who Owns the World’s Land? Rights And Resources
Living Wage OWD - income or consumption per capita OWD
Mercury Emission UN - Global Mercury Assessment UN
Minamata Convention UNEP Minamata Convention UN Environment Programme
Modern Slavery Global Slavery Index Walkfree
Modern Slavery Walkfree - The Global Slavery Index  WALKFREE
Ocean Plastic Pollution Environmental Performace Index SEDAC
ODS Consumption Consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances UN Environment Programme
Political Instability Worldwide Governance Indicators The World Bank
Pollution 2020 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) EPI APE
POP pollution CEIP -  GNFR inventory CEIP
Sanctions Open Sanctions Open Sanctions
Stockholm Convention Stockhom Convention UN Environment Programme
Toxication UNEP Minamata Convention Mercury Convention
Toxication WHO - Measuring how many people die each year from unintentional poisonings provides an indication of the extent of inadequate management of hazardous chemicals and pollution, and of the effectiveness of a country’s health system. Cause-of-death statistics help health authorities determine their focus for public health actions. WHO
Transboundary Water Protection UNSDG - Indicator 6.5.2 UNSDG
Tropical storm INFORM European Commission
Unethical labor Worldwide Governance Indicators The World Bank
Wage Theft UN SDG Indicators (1. Indicator) - Employed population below international poverty line United Nations
Waste Disposal Problem Global Waste Index Sensoneo
Worker suicide WHO - Suicide rate estimates WHO