Prewave Plans and Roles

Plans and Roles enable users to access and view features and functionalities in Prewave. Key-User are granted with all functionalities of the project scope including the possibility to assign roles to other users

New Plans are the default configuration set by Prewave. Depending on the scope access is defined for users. 

✅ - Included per default

☑️ - Optional, can be added through Key Users

❌ - Not included, additional service



Compliance/ Disruption/ Sustainability



Basic: Monitoring

Basic: Tier-1 Risk Management

Key User: Tier-1 Risk Management

Basic: Tier-N Risk Management

Key User: Tier-N Risk Management

Monitoring Access

Feed + Target Profile + Map

Scoring Access


Action Access

Execute all Actions

☑️ ☑️ ☑️

Action Planner Recommendations 

Key User Access

Key User Capabilities

☑️ ☑️

Analysis Tab Access

Live Risk Analysis

Tier-N Access

View Supply Chains

Key Tier-N Access

View + Add Supply Chains


Action Platform Access

Action-Platform Access

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

Sanction Access

View, Request Sanctions

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

Commodity Access
Commodity tab

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)

(Paid Add-On)


Customer Roles can be added to users by the Key-Users. The roles enable user to use additional functionalities and features in Prewave.

- In the Prewave System and functional

Customer Managed Roles

Role Name

Role Description

Action Access

Gives Access to Actions (Create, Manage, Edit, View)

User can execute all available action items (SSAs, Statements, Reviews, …)

User can add connection contacts

Key User Access

Gives access to Key User Capabilities (Action Access + User Management + Quota Manager + Own Business Manager + Risk Manager)

Risk Manager

Gives Access to all risk management functions (Action Access included, access to the new risk analysis, update supplier data)

Former Full LKSG

Risk Viewer

Gives viewing permissions to Actions (coming soon), Self-Assessment, Risk Analysis. No edit rights granted

Former Base LKSG

Quota Manager

Gives Access to target and screening requests (additional costs may apply, quota is affected)

Own Business Manager

Gives access to the configurations for the own business area (Filling out Self Assessments for the own business area, update the disruption status, add certificates, Grievance Reports, fill out statement requests)

Certificate Manager 

Permission to manage certificates (will be replaced by Own Business Manager)

User Manager

Can administrate users of his company

Team Manager

Can manage teams and their members

Connection Manager  

Can manage customer connections. Add/Remove suppliers/customers. Add connection contacts

Grievance Manager 

Role for managing grievance reports for the customer (LkSG) (will be replaced by Own Business Manager)

Lane Access

Gives access to the collection Lane function, to display routes on the map


Prewave System roles are managed by Prewave and are added to the plans per default: 
Prewave Managed Roles

Role Name

Role Description

Monitoring Access

Gives access to monitoring functionalities, User feed, Target Feed, Network Tab, Map

Scoring Access

Gives access to Score components and activates the scorecard in target profiles

Supply Chain Access

(Paid Add-On) Grants Access to Tier-N Functionalities (View Supply Chains, Activate Tier-N Monitoring)

Key Supply Chain Access

(Paid Add-On) Grants Access to Key User Tier-N Functionality. Add private supply chains to suppliers

Action Platform Access

(Paid Add-On) Gives Access to the Action Platform (Trigger Actions through Partners in the Prewave Platform)

Sanctions Access

(Paid Add-On) Gives access to the UBO/Sanction Feature in Prewave

Commodity Access

(Paid Add-On) Gives access to commodity tab / Commodity Monitoring


Detailed Overview of permission granted for the main roles: 


Risk Viewer

Risk Manager

Action Access

Own Business Manager

Access Alert Statement

Request Alert Statement



Create/ Modify Alert Statement




Access Self-Assessment

Request Self-Assessment



Answer Self-Assessment (Own-Business)




View Actions (Read-Only coming soon)

Create/Edit Actions



Access new Risk Analysis



Create/ Edit/ Delete new Risk Analysis




Access Certificates


Create/Manage Certificates




Permission to update Supplier Data




Permission to update Own Target Data




Add/ Edit Connection Contacts


Manage Target Internal Score




Create custom Alerts