Report Wrong Supplier Information

This feature allows you to mitigate discrepancies regarding a targets revenue or industry information. You can easily report relevant data directly on the Targets Profile.


When misinformation is identified, look up the Target Profil in the search bar and click on it. 

1. Simply click on "More" and then select "Report wrong info."

Screenshot one

2. Choose which information typ is wrong  - Industrie AND/OR revenue? 

Case Scenarios

Wrong Industry:

When referring to the "Wrong Industry" option, we are addressing cases where the assigned industries for a specific supplier are incorrect. 

To report a wrong industry, follow these steps:

1. Access the supplier's profile page and click on "More."

2. From the dropdown menu, select "Report wrong Info."

3. Choose the "Wrong Industry" option from the listed information types.

In the provided field, you will find a list of industries that were assigned to the supplier. Select the industry or industries that are not applicable. If you notice that a specific industry is missing from the list, please provide a brief description of the industry in the comments section.


screenshot 2


Missing Industries:

Missing industries refers to industries that are not currently listed or assigned to the selected supplier in the system. This could be due to oversight or a lack of available information at the time of data entry. 

To report missing industries, follow these steps:

1. Click on "More" on the supplier's profile page.

2. Select "Report wrong Info" from the dropdown menu.

3. Choose the option "Wrong Industry" from the information types listed.

In the field provided, you can choose from a comprehensive list of industries and select the ones that are applicable to the supplier. If you notice that an industry is missing from the list, please provide a brief description of the industry in the comments section.



right screen


Wrong revenue :

If you come across incorrect revenue information for a supplier, you can easily report it on the Target Profile. This helps to ensure that accurate data is maintained in our system. To report wrong revenue information, follow these steps:

1. Click on "More" on the supplier's profile page.

2. Select "Report wrong Info" from the dropdown menu.

3. Choose the option "Wrong revenue" from the information types listed.

In the field provided, enter the correct revenue of the supplier in millions. Please note that the format for entering revenue is as follows: 1.00 represents 1 million euros, while 0.1 represents 100,000 euros.