5. Reporting

In principle, the following obligation applies to all affected companies with regard to risk analysis reporting:

Companies must submit an annual report on the implementation of due diligence obligations to the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) and submit it online via the office's own 📎 ELAN K2 Plattform. Both must be submitted no later than four months after the end of the financial year to which the report relates.

The report must provide clear information on

  • whether and which human rights and environmental risks the company has identified
  • what the company has done to fulfil its due diligence obligations,
  • how the company assesses the impact and effectiveness of the measures,
  • what conclusions it draws from the assessment for future measures.

Prewave supports you significantly in this respect by providing you with the reporting feature, which allows you to answer over 90% of all questions from chapters B and C. The reporting feature dynamically loads all information from the system that has been generated in connection with the risk analysis and the prevention measures as well as the injuries and remedial measures. This information is used to generate the appropriate answers for the report, which you can then export as an Excel file. 

The 📎 Click Guide to Reporting describes in detail where the data for generating responses comes from and how the entire reporting process works. 

Upload BAFA

You can then simply copy the generated responses from the report and paste them into the 📎 ELAN K2 Portal

👉 Move on to the next chapter