In this article you can find a step-by-step guide on how to manually add Tier-N suppliers to your profile.
If you want to map your Tier-N suppliers manually within Prewave you need to have the Key User Tier-N Access permission. You can find more information about Plans and Roles here.
Once you have the right permissions you can navigate to a target profile of your Tier-1 supplier in order to add their suppliers, which will be your Tier-2 suppliers. After doing so, please select
the supplier tab.
Once you click on “+ Add Supplier” you can add the supplier's name and any additional information you have on the following fields:
- Priority: How important this supplier is to you
- Number: if you have a supplier number for this Tier-N supplier
- Total shipments: if you have knowledge of the sum of shipments
- Shipments per HS Code: if you have the HS code available for the shipments
- Number of shipments: if you have the knowledge of the number of shipments
After filling out all necessary information you can finish the process by clicking on “Add Supplier” and your new Tier-2 connection will be created.